If you travel with your pet to Algeria, an additional document is required:
- Document: passport or animal health certificate of origin forms according to RULE 577/2013
- Microchip identification
- Valid rabies vaccination
- Proof of rabies antibody titration (From countries other than the ones on the list included in RULE 577/2013) in a sample taken at least 30 days after the vaccination and at least three months before the trip/ticket > 0.5 UI/ml.
- If the animal is vaccinated again during the validity period, the serology will not be renewed.The three months do not apply in case of the re-entry of a pet that received a favourable assessment.
- The vaccination cannot be prior to the identification or before three months have elapsed.
Take a look at these articles for further information:
LEGISLATION: https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/ganaderia/temas/comercio-exterior-ganadero/desplazamiento-animales-compania/Viajar-perros-gatos-hurones.aspx
LABORATOIRES : https://agriculture.gouv.fr/laboratoires-officiels-rage
SEROLOGY : https://food.ec.europa.eu/animals/movement-pets/approved-rabies-serology-laboratories/approved-rabies-serology-laboratories-eu-countries_en
If any of these requirements are not met, the health authorities will deny the animal entry and present the owner with three options:euthanisation, quarantine or return the animal to the departure point.